Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The End of Digital Tyranny: Why the Future of Computing Is Analog

Our world is ruled by 1s and 0s.
Most of us rarely think about it, but when we turn on our smartphones and PCs, we’re giving ourselves over to machines that reduce every single task to a series of 1s and 0s. That’s what digital means.
But according to Doug Burger, a researcher with Microsoft’s Extreme Computing Group, this may be coming to an end. Burger thinks we could be entering a new era where we don’t need digital accuracy. To hear him tell it, the age of really big data may well be an age of slightly less-accurate computing. We could drop the digital straightjacket and write software that’s comfortable working on hardware that sometimes makes errors.
For about half a century now, companies like Intel have made their microprocessors faster and faster by adding more transistors — and, lately, more and more processor “cores” that can operate in parallel. But these regular performance boosts seem to be coming to an end. It’s inevitable, really. Chip parts are getting so small, they can’t be shrunk much more.
Intel’s current state-of-the art chipmaking process will soon shrink to 14 nanometers, aka 14 billionths of a meter. When transistors get that small, it becomes devilishly hard to keep them operating in the precise on-or-off states required for digital computing. That’s one of the reasons why today’s chips burn so hot.
Burger calls it the digital tax. And over the next decade this tax is going to become too big for computer makers to keep paying it. “Transistors are getting leakier. They’re getting noisier,” he said on Monday, speaking during a webcast of an event at Microsoft’s headquarters. “They fail more often.”
“The challenge is that at some point along this road, as you get down to single atoms, that tax becomes too high. You’re not going to be able to build a stable digital transistor out of a single atom.”
But if our future performance gains aren’t going to come from smaller transistors, how do we improve things? That’s right. We go analog.
“I think there’s an opportunity to break this digital tyranny of this abstraction of 1s and 0s that’s served us so well for 50 for 60 years, and that’s to embrace approximation,” he said. “Some people call it analog.”
Burger has been working with Luis Ceze, an associate professor at the University of Washington to create a brand new way of programming. Instead of following binary instructions, they break up the code. Some of it — the part of your banking app that sends retrieves your account balance from the bank, for example — has no tolerance for errors. Other parts — the app’s check scanning software — can handle some errors. Ceze and Burger’s programs watch how applications work and then build neural network models that they run on special neural processing accelerators, called NPUs. “We’re using a neural network to approximate things that are supposed to run in a regular processor,” Ceze said in an interview earlier this year. “What we want to do is use neural networks for your browser, for your games, for all sorts of things.”
The researchers aim to build compete systems — processors, storage, and software — that use this approximate computing model. They think they’ll be able to run them at far lower voltages than conventional systems, which will save money on power and cooling. They’ve built their first NPU’s using programmable chips, but they’re now crafting NPUs out of analog circuits, which will be faster and use much less power than their digital equivalents. “Going analog is a huge efficiency gain and much more approximate too,” Ceze said.
This approach makes some slight mistakes, so it doesn’t work for all programming models. You wouldn’t want to build a calculator this way. But for many types programs — image processing software, for example — it’s good enough.
Image recognition, bioinformatics, data mining, large scale machine learning, and speech recognition could all work with analog computing, according to Burger. “We’re doing an enormous number of things that intersect with the analog world in fundamental ways.”
Burger and Ceze are not the only ones peering into an analog future. Last year, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) kicked off a program called UPSIDE, short for Unconventional Processing of Signals for Intelligent Data Exploitation, seeking solve these same problems.
It will be a long time — maybe 10 to 15 years — before the systems that Burger describes have a chance of real-world use. But this may well be the way that the next generation of computers get their juice. “We have no idea how far we can push this,” Burger said. “But once you’re willing to take a little bit of error and you break again this digital tyranny, you can start using again these devices that are noisy — and you don’t have to pay that enormous tax to guarantee a 1 or a 0.”
via wired

New computer is the size of a pack of index cards, costs $100

The Utilite computer, from CompuLab, will cost $100 and up for a full PC that's only slightly bigger than your phone.

CompuLab, an Israeli maker of embedded computing products, has announced a tiny, bare-bones computer called the Utilite that will sell for $99 and up.It’s just 5.3 inches by 3.9 inches by 0.8 inches, which means it is just slightly larger than a pack of 100 index cards. Yet inside it has a powerful Freescale i.MX6 system-on-a-chip, with an ARM Cortex A9 processor at its heart, with one, two, or four cores. The device will have up to 4GB of RAM and can contain a hard drive with up to 512GB plus a microSD card with up to 128GB of storage.

Now the “up to” phrasing: That comes from the company’s spec sheet, which is vague on what the minimums will be, or what the device will cost at various configurations. All we know is that the (undefined) minimum configuration will cost about $100. It will run Linux or Android.

What’s not so vague: CompuLab has packed a lot of I/O capabilities into a tiny, elegant-looking box, including two Gigabit Ethernet ports, Bluetooth 3.0, Wi-Fi b/g/n, four USB 2.0 ports, stereo line-in and line-out, and HDMI and DVI-D ports for your display. Its draws just 3 watts to 8 watts of power. In short, this is pretty much everything you’d need in a desktop computer in a space about one third the size of its keyboard.

For the promised price, however, you could buy four Raspberry Pi computers — but remember that the Raspberry Pi is very bare-bones and doesn’t even include a case, so with the Utilite you’re paying for the packaging.

Still, it looks like this could be an economical and convenient way to stick a computer anywhere you might need one: under your dashboard, in your backpack, next to your TV, or in a kitchen cabinet.

via. Dylan Tweney

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Apple iPhone 5 review

David Pogue, The New York TimesSeptember 19, 2012

If you were taking a college course called iPhone 101, your professor might identify three factors that have made Apple's smartphone a mega-success.

First, design. A single company, known for its obsession over details, produces both the hardware and the software. The result is a single, coherently designed whole.

Second, superior components. As the world's largest tech company, Apple can call the shots with its part suppliers. It can often incorporate new technologies - scratch-resistant Gorilla glass, say, or the supersharp Retina screen - before its rivals can.

Third, compatibility. The iPhone's ubiquity has led to a universe of accessories that fit it. Walk into a hotel room, and there's probably an iPhone connector built into the alarm clock.
If you had to write a term paper for this course, you might open with this argument: that in creating the new iPhone 5 ($200 with contract), Apple strengthened its first two advantages - but handed its rivals the third one on a silver platter.

Let's start with design. The new phone, in all black or white, is beautiful. Especially the black one, whose gleaming, black-on-black, glass-and-aluminum body carries the design cues of a Stealth bomber. The rumors ran rampant that the iPhone 5 would have a larger screen. Would it be huge, like many Android phones? Those giant screens are thudding slabs in your pocket, but they're fantastic for maps, books, Web sites, photos and movies.

As it turns out, the new iPhone's updated footprint (handprint?) is nothing like the Imax size of its rivals. It's the same 2.3 inches wide, but its screen has grown taller by half an inch - 176 very tiny pixels.
It's a nice but not life-changing change. You gain an extra row of icons on the Home screen, more messages in e-mail lists, wider keyboard keys in landscape mode and a more expansive view of all the other built-in apps. (Non-Apple apps can be written to exploit the bigger screen. Until then, they sit in the center of the larger screen, flanked by unnoticeable slim black bars.)

At 0.3 inch, the phone is thinner than before, startlingly so - the thinnest in the world, Apple says. It's also lighter, just under four ounces; it disappears completely in your pocket. This iPhone is so light, tall and flat, it's well on its way to becoming a bookmark.

Second advantage: components. There's no breakthrough feature this time, no Retina screen or Siri. (Thought recognition will have to wait for the iPhone 13.)
Even so, nearly every feature has been upgraded, with a focus on what counts: screen, sound, camera, speed.
The iPhone 5 is now a 4G LTE phone, meaning that in certain lucky cities, you get wicked-fast Internet connections. (Verizon has by far the most LTE cities, with AT&T a distant second and Sprint at the rear.)

The phone itself runs faster, too. Its new processor runs twice as fast, says Apple. Few people complained about the old phone's speed, but this one certainly zips.
The screen now has better color reproduction. The front-facing camera captures high-definition video now (720p). The battery offers the same talk time as before (eight hours), but adds two more hours of Web browsing (eight hours), even on LTE networks. In practical terms, you encounter fewer days when the battery dies by dinnertime - a frequent occurrence with 4G phones.

The camera is among the best ever put into a phone. Its lowlight shots blow away the same efforts from an iPhone 4S. Its shot-to-shot times have been improved by 40 percent. And you can take stills even while recording video (1080p hi-def, of course).
So far, so good. But now, the third point, about universal compatibility.
These days, that decade-old iPhone/iPad/iPod charging connector is everywhere: cars, clocks, speakers, docks, even medical devices. But the new iPhone won't fit any of them.

Apple calls its replacement the Lightning connector. It's much sturdier than the old jack, and much smaller - 0.31 inch wide instead of 0.83. And there's no right side up - you can insert it either way. It clicks satisfyingly into place, yet you can remove it easily. It's the very model of a modern major connector.
Well, great. But it doesn't fit any existing accessories, docks or chargers. Apple sells an adapter plug for $30 (or $40 with an eight-inch cable "tail"). If you have a few accessories, you could easily pay $150 in adapters for a $200 phone. That's not just a slap in the face to loyal customers - it's a jab in the eye.

Even with the adapter, not all accessories work with the Lightning, and not all the features of the old connector are available; for example, you can't send the iPhone's video out to a TV cable.
Apple says that a change was inevitable - that old connector, after 10 years, desperately needed an update. Still, Apple has just given away one of its greatest competitive advantages.

The phone comes with new software, iOS 6, bristling with large and small improvements - and it's a free download that also runs on the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S.
The chief attractions of iOS 6 are a completely new GPS/maps app (Apple ditched Google Maps and wrote its own app); new talents for Siri, the voice-activated assistant (she now answers questions about current movies, sports and restaurants); and one-tap canned responses to incoming calls (like "I'm driving - call you later").
There's a new panorama mode for the camera, too, that comes in handy more often than you might expect. As you swing the phone around you, it stitches many shots together into a seamless, ultra-wide-angle, 28-megapixel photo. Unlike other apps and phones with panorama modes, this one is fully automated and offers a preview of the panorama that materializes as you're taking it.

Should you get the new iPhone, when the best Windows Phone and Android phones offer similarly impressive speed, beauty and features?
The iPhone 5 does nothing to change the pros and cons in that discussion. Windows Phones offer brilliant design, but lag badly in apps and accessories.
Android phones shine in choice: you can get a huge screen, for example, a memory-card slot or N.F.C. chips (near-field communication - you can exchange files with other N.F.C. phones, or buy things in certain stores, with a tap). But Android is, on the whole, buggier, more chaotic and more fragmented - you can't always upgrade your phone's software when there's a new version.

IPhones don't offer as much choice or customization. But they're more polished and consistently designed, with a heavily regulated but better stocked app catalog. They offer Siri voice control and the best music/movie/TV store, and the phone's size and weight have boiled away to almost nothing.
If you have an iPhone 4S, getting an iPhone 5 would mean breaking your two-year carrier contract and paying a painful penalty; maybe not worth it for the 5's collection of nips and tucks. But if you've had the discipline to sit out a couple of iPhone generations - wow, are you in for a treat.
It's just too bad about that connector change. Doesn't Apple worry about losing customer loyalty and sales?
Actually, Apple has a long history of killing off technologies, inconveniently and expensively, that the public had come to love - even those that Apple had originally developed and promoted. Somehow, life goes on, and Apple gets even bigger.

So if you wanted to conclude your term paper by projecting the new connector's impact on the iPhone's popularity, you'd be smart to write, "very little (sigh)." When you really think about it, we've all taken this class before.

Copyright 2012, The New York Times News Service

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Terahertz bandwidth could make cellphones 1,000 times faster

Forget 3G and 4G. In fact, forget about the gigahertz frequency altogether—a team of researchers at the University of Pittsburgh say they've managed to devise a means of transmitting data thousands of times faster.

The team led by Hrvoje Petek, a physics and chemistry professor in Pitt's Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, successfully created what they call a "frequency comb" that "spans more than 100 terahertz (THz) of bandwidth by exciting a coherent collective of atomic motions in a semiconductor silicon crystal."

The frequency comb is created by the division of "a single color of light into a series of evenly spaced spectral lines for a variety of uses."

What that means is that Petek and his colleagues have devised a structure that could theoretically transmit data to devices like cellphones and computers in the terahertz frequency region—and in fact observed reflected light oscillating at 15.6 THz during their experiments.

The research was published in the March 4 issue of Nature Photonics and summarized on the University of Pittsburgh website.

Petek said the team has discovered "a physical basis for terahertz bandwidth," which could potentially be used to leverage the "portion of the electromagnetic spectrum between infrared and microwave light" to transmit at rates several orders of magnitude faster than today's conventional wireless electronics with bandwidth limited to the gigahertz frequency.

"The ability to modulate light with such a bandwidth could increase the amount of information carried by more than 1,000 times when compared to the volume carried with today's technologies," Petek said.

"Needless to say, this has been a long-awaited discovery in the field."

The scientists worked with silicon, the material used to fabricate the semiconductors at the heart of computing's process technology. Petek said his team expected to hit 15.6 THz in its experiments, the "highest mechanical frequency of atoms within a silicon lattice."

The University of Pittsburgh researchers are actually aiming even higher, or rather faster. By studying the coherent oscillation of electrons, Petek and his colleagues believe they can harness "light-matter interactions" in the petahertz-frequency range, or 1,000 times faster again than the terahertz oscillations they've already achieved.

Source : Terahertz Bandwidth Could Make Cellphones 1,000 Times Faster

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