Friday, December 30, 2011


We watch YouTube almost every day. I mean, even if we didn’t want to there’d be some instances where we need to log in. I’m a bit apprehensive about using YouTube especially at work because most of the times, the things that pop up are NSFW. However, I’m a big fan of YouTube and these tools make sure that we don’t end up in the YouTube loop, but make things a little more useful, effective and fun for all of us.

1. Download Audio from any YouTube videos the easy way

So you like that new Lady Gaga song and the video is out on YouTube, but you want it as a ringtone for your mobile, and you don’t want to go through the messy process of using a video editing program to rip off the music. What do you do ? Use this website, copy paste the URL of the video and let it rip off the music in mp3 format for you. Download it to your cellphone and you’re done. Easy as that.

2. Share particular parts of any YouTube video

Sometimes, we’re just interested only in a certain part of a video. Like 12-26th second of a 5 minute vide and while sharing the whole video is what most of us do, the person you’re sharing with might not watch the entire video or he might miss the part you want him to see. So what do you do ? Use Tubechop to select the particular time in the video, slice it up and share the URL is gives with your friends. When your friend clicks on the URL, they see only the selected part in that YouTube video.

3. Add extra controls to YouTube videos other than the default buttons

If you’re a power YouTube user, you always wanted those extra controls like beyond the play and pause button. This Greasemonkey script will grant your wish. Its got a series of additional buttons for that seamless power user experience.

4. Get sing-along lyrics on any YouTube music video

This is a nifty utility for singers and music enthusiasts. What it does is, while your favourite music videos are being played on YouTube, it displays a small window next to it, that will search a database of lyrics and popup the right lyrics for that particular song, so you can sing along. Cool huh ? Download

5. Bookmark, Organize and Save YouTube Videos for later viewing

This is a standalone program for you to save, bookmark and share YouTube videos, much like a personal collection. You can search for videos, save them, bookmark them all from the application and open up for later viewing.

6. How not to show the “Related Videos” pane while watching a video

Many of us would’ve encountered the bad experience of other inappropriate videos popping up in the related videos section while watching an interesting video with our friends on YouTube. There is a simple trick that will keep the related videos from popping up.
In the URL of the original video, just add ‘&rel=0? to the end part and you’re done. Or if the parameter is at ‘&rel=1?, change it to ‘&rel=0?.

7. Play YouTube videos inside the browser, without clutter and in a playlist

Some people like to use YouTube like winamp sometimes, like while at work listening to a list of songs, side by side. And having your YouTube site open can be a bit annoying, especially when your boss is looking over your shoulders. But there is a solution. Grab this Firefox extension and it lets you add a little sidebar to the browser, where you can queue up an entire list of YouTube videos that will keep playing within the sidebar. Nice !

8. Watch YouTube videos on a slower Internet connection, without breaks

If you’re on a slower internet connection, then watching YouTube videos can be a pain. Frustration and more frustration. In fact, YouTube realizes that this could be a problem, and have alternate methods for you. YouTube has a Feather tool that lets you watch YouTube videos on slower connections. It doesn’t include those items that eat up bandwidth and make YouTube videos slower.

9. Upload more than one video in bulk to YouTube

So if you’re the type who have a lot of uploading to do on YouTube, things can get a bit out of hand. There is a lot of waiting to do for one video before you can do the next upload. So batch uploading is the only way out. And is there a tool that lets you do it ? Yes of course – YouTube Universal Uploader.

10. Create ringtones from YouTube videos in one easy steps

Creating ringtones from YouTube videos never was so easy. All you got to do is copy paste the YouTube video URL, mark the portion where the song appears (or the whole video) and click create. The ringtone can be downloaded in various mobile audio formats. Check it out

So next time when you visit youtube do try this and have fun :) Enjoy...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

[How to] Carry your Google Chrome with you everywhere

If you are one of the hardcore Google Chrome fan and you are very much used to it then you will definitely want to carry it with you wherever you go. Having a portable browser can make your life a lot easier. You can have your favorite bookmarks, your saved passwords and everything else with you at any point of time. You’ll only need to plug in your pen drive and start the browser.

All you have to do is download the compressed file from the link given below and extract it in your removable device. Then go to the folder named PortableGoogleChrome and run the ChromeLoader file to get started. No installation is required so you can use it on computers with limited rights as well.

The browser is having all the features which you get on your regular google chrome but you might see some minor difference in performance which is pretty much acceptable as you are running it from a portable device instead of your hdd. If at any time you feel like uninstalling it then just simply delete the folder and you are done.

You can download the latest version of portable Google Chrome from the link given below and if you want to update your portable browser you can simply go to the same site and download the newer version again.

Click here to Download Portable Google Chrome

How to "Delete administrator Password" without any software

Method 1

Boot up with DOS and delete the sam.exe and sam.log files from Windows\system32\config in your hard drive. Now when you boot up in NT the password on your built-in administrator account which will be blank (i.e No password). This solution works only if your hard drive is FAT kind.

Method 2

Step 1. Put your hard disk of your computer in any other pc .
Step 2. Boot that computer and use your hard disk as a secondary hard disk (D'nt boot as primary hard disk ).
Step 3. Then open that drive in which the victim’s window(or your window) is installed.
Step 4. Go to location windows->system32->config
Step 5. And delete SAM.exe and SAM.log
Step 6. Now remove hard disk and put in your computer.
Step 7. And boot your computer :-)

Upcoming Gadgets of 2012

So, that was 2011. I know that there are a few more days to go, but people all over the world have already moved on to looking at 2012 now. Many people over the Internet are quite curious to know what new technology, or product will be released in the next year. Before we move onto 20120, here are some of the major releases in 2011 were – Chromebook, Google Plus, iPhone 4S, iPad 2, and so on.

Now that we are inching closer to the end of the year 2011 and getting closer to the New Year, one question that certainly strikes everyone’s mind is what gadgets and products that are scheduled to be launched in 2012.

There are many products that are set to be launched in 2012. However, some of us wish that these products were here right now, such as Apple’s next iPad 3 and iPhone 5, and of course many users are waiting for the release of Microsoft’s next tablet friendly operating system – Windows 8.

2012 Gadgets – Upcoming Releases in 2012
Here’s a list of some of the major upcoming 2012 gadgets and products:

Apple iPhone 5

No doubt, the Apple iPhone 5 is one of the most anticipated 2012 gadgets. Apple launched the iPhone 4S, which disappointed its fans very much. Although the device has some nice changes under the hood, including the addition of voice-recognizing personal assistant Siri and an excellent 8-megapixel camera, the phone looks quite identical to its predecessor – iPhone 4.

The upcoming phone from Apple is expected to sport the Apple’s latest and greatest A5 processor chip, iCloud service, higher-resolution camera, and a 4-inch screen size.

Apple iPad 3

Along with the iPhone 5, fans are also eagerly expecting the release of iPad 3, which now reports indicate that it has been scheduled to be launched in February next year. The new tablet, in competition to Samsung Galaxy Tab will feature a new, thinner and sleeker design, down nearly 20 percent in size compared to the iPad 2. It will also support full touchscreen HD display with a screen resolution of 2048 x 1536.

Apart from that, the iPad 3 will have a lighter battery life, reducing the weight of the tablet. However, the battery is reported to cost 20 to 30 percent more than the current iPad’s battery, which will also have a longer battery life.
It is also expected that the iPad 3 will have a wireless charging technology, which will be able to charge the battery and transfer data wirelessly.

Windows 8

The next version of Windows is yet another, most anticipated product after the Apple iPhone 5 and iPad 3. Windows 8 offers a number of new features from its all new UI to Windows App Store and improvised security features.

Windows 8 has got an interactive UI called the “Metro-style” design, which shows the most important information to you, embodies simplicity, and gives you full control over it. The UI is designed to provide a fluid and intuitive interaction and navigation with touch, or a mouse and keyboard.

Microsoft released a Developer Preview of the Windows 8, which is currently in pre-beta version. The developer version shows off the current stage of the OS. It is available for free download at the official Windows site.
Quad Core Mobile Devices

Dual-core is old now. Welcome Quad-core. It is said that Quad-core smartphones with high resolution screens and graphics will take over in 2012 – nVidia Tegra 3 and Qualcomm Snapdragon are battling out for the fastest quad processor in the mobile market.

Chip maker Nvidia says that smartphones featuring its quad-core Tegra 3 processors may arrive in the first half of 2012. Meanwhile, Qualcomm indicates that its quad-core Snapdragon will make its appearance in Windows 8 tablets in the second half of 2012.

Some of the features that a quad-core smartphone would offer are:

- Advanced video and photo edition

- Multi-tab web browsing

- High-end graphics games

- Improved voice control and “air” gestures

- Better multitasking

Xbox 360 Update

The next generation of the Xbox is expected to arrive in 2012. This would be a direct competition to the Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo’s Wii U. The following features will be included in the next Xbox update:

New personal and social features including Cloud storage for game saves and Live profile

- Beacons and Facebook sharing

- Enhanced family settings

- Integrated voice and gesture controls across the dashboard and in apps

- Bing voice search (available this year in the US, UK and CA)

Recently we saw the new Xbox 360 Dashboard update. The look and feel of the new dashboard is probably the most noticeable difference, which sports a Windows 8, Metro-style interface.

Facebook Timeline

Facebook introduced its new profile, Timeline way back in September 2011, which is designed to be a better way to “tell your life story.” The new profile was scheduled to be launched to all users on Facebook in November.

However,, a small Chicago based company filed a lawsuit against Facebook over trademark issues and claiming that the social networking giant’s new Timeline feature may “eliminate” the company from the site. has a trademark for the “timeline” name, filed in May 2008 and granted in January 2009.

It is expected that Facebook might start rolling out the feature to its users starting January, 2012.

PlayStation Vita

With the huge success of PlayStation Portable selling over 71.4 million units worldwide, Sony is all set to release the next version of the PSP called as the PS Vita. The gaming console packs a quad-core graphics processor, which is even impressive than the iPad 2. It looks quite similar to the PSP, however without any doubt the Vita is more impressive and elegantly designed. It sports a 5-inch OLED multi-touch capacitive touchscreen, 24-bit color with a resolution of 960 × 540 qHD and has pixel density of 220 ppi.

It is also reported that the PlayStation Vita has both front and rear cameras with supporting features such as face detection, head detection and head tracking that can be used for personalization and customization.
Wii U

In competition to Sony’s PlayStation Vita, Nintendo is set to release the next version of its gaming console called Wii U, which is the direct successor to the Wii. Nintendo unveiled the Wii U in it’s press conference at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2011 on June 7, 2011.

It is the first console from Nintendo to produce 1080p high-definition graphics, featuring a new controller with an embedded touchscreen. Nintendo showcased a prototype version of Wii U, which features a touch screen over 6 inches wide and contains a built-in microphone, speakers, gyroscope, accelerometer, rumble and camera.
The Nintendo Wii U will also feature internal flash based memory for media storage and game save data, however the system will also support external SD card and USB HDD support allowing users to expand storage capacity. It is expected to be released sometime after March 2012.

Apple HD TV – Upcoming 2012 Gadgets

Speculations around the Internet indicate that Apple is preparing to release a high-definition television set. The TV is expected to come in 15 to 19-inch range powered by the company’s mobile operation system, iOS. The TV, however, is not only used to play videos, but also play games, run applications and providing you control over social networking sites, like Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Apple had launched Apple TV, a set-up box used for streaming video to a television, which was first released on January 9, 2007.

It is expected that such a TV set from Apple would be available in time for the 2012 holiday season.

Samsung Galaxy S3

After having a huge success with the Samsung Galaxy S2, it is rumored that Samsung has been busy working on the next version of the smartphone Samsung Galaxy S3. It is expected that the device will feature a Samsung Exynos 4212 processor clocked at 1.8GHz and an ARM Cortex A9 chip, which will offer a 25% performance boost and a 30% reduction in power consumption.

It is also expected that the Galaxy S3 will most probably be powered by Google’s latest OS – Android Ice Cream Sandwich. Rumors indicate that Samsung may unveil Galaxy S3 at a similar time to the iPhone 5.

Your Expectations for 2012 Gadgets Release:
So, the above 2012 gadgets list comprises some of the major gadgets and products that are scheduled to be released for the year 2012. We would like to hear which product you are mostly waiting for it to be released, or any other product that is not mentioned in the list. Please let us know by adding your comments below.

First Modern Warfare 3 DLC due January 24

The first slice of downloadable content for Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be released in January, but initially only for Xbox 360 gamers subscribing to Call Of Duty Elite.

'The way we're doing downloadable content this year is unlike we've never done before,' claims Infinity Ward's Rob Bowling.
'Not only in how you can get it - in content drops or choose for the collection - but also the type of content you're getting. We're doing more than just maps. We're going to do Spec Ops missions and a variety of things that players have never seen before.'
That's the great thing about having three developers that are contributing to the season of content. You have Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer and Raven all pitching in. The full season of content for Modern Warfare 3 kicks off for Elite subscribers on January 24 on Xbox Live.'
Speaking to website CVG, Activision refused to confirm exactly when the content would be available to other players. ‘We'll have more details about the entire 2012 MW3 Content Season in early January’, was their response – which doesn’t suggest to us that it’ll be turning up in a hurry.
Infinity Ward has said all along that the downloadable content for Modern Warfare 3 wouldn't just be map packs, although the only rumours about new content so far have been for a traditional set of five new maps.
Although Bowling has already confirmed new Special Ops levels whether there'd ever be new single-player content is unclear.
What is clear is that if you want the content straight away on January 24 you'll not only have to have the Xbox 360 version of the game, but you'll also have to be a subscriber to Call Of Duty Elite.
Elite members will be getting first dibs on all the downloadable content, while it seems as if PlayStation 3 and PC gamers may again have to wait the traditional four extra weeks, after the content is released on Xbox 360, to get their hands on it.

Google activating 700,000 Android phones every day

More than 700,000 people are signing up for new Google Android phones every day, the internet giant has revealed.

Andy Rubin, Google's Android chief, took to Twitter and Google+ to reveal the figures, which work out at almost five million new users every week.

Google is racking up 700,000 new users every day (Thinkstock)
He also pointed out that the activations solely include new devices and not refurbished or resold ones.
'Activations means you go into a store, buy a device, [and] put it on the network by subscribing to a wireless service,' Mr Rubin explained in a follow-up post on Google+.
The clarification may have been aimed at rivals Apple, as the late co-founder of the firm, Steve Jobs, frequently accused Google of counting upgrades in their figures of new users.
Figures from Google indicate a dramatic increase since October, when the search giant revealed it was picking up 550,000 new mobile phone users a day.
However, if the current statistics are correct then Google is experiencing the equivalent of the hysteria around the introduction of the iPhone 4S every week.
Google is currently the most popular smartphone platform in the US, with nearly 42 per cent of the market share, pushing Apple's iPhone into second place with just 27.1 per cent, according to metrics firm comScore.

Review & Specifications:HP Pavilion g6-1201tx Notebook PC

After a much awaited time finally I've bought a new HP g series laptop and all i can say is that it is absolutely awesome and fantastic in terms of both parameters performance as well as price. This is the Best Laptop I've Chosen among the other Laps as initially i found difficulty in choosing it but after a very deep analysis about this product on net and other places i found this an interesting one. I am using this laptop since last one week and i found that it is running in a very super fast and in a mind blowing way with its processing speed and the gaming experience with its Graphics Card 1GB AMD Radeon on Sony Bravia 32 inch Television is just awesome.


* Operating system: Windows 7 Home Basic
* 15.6 Inches HD LED (1366 x 768)Pixel Display Screen
* Intel Core i5-2430M Processor (UP TO 2.2GHz)
* Intel HM65 Express chipset
* AMD Radeon HD 6470M 1GB Graphics Card
* 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3 RAM
* 640GB Hard Disk
* Webcam: Yes
* Card Reader: Multi Card
* Optical Drive : SuperMulti DVD±R/RW with Double Layer Support
* Altec Lansing speakers – SRS Premium Sound
* Ports: 3 x USB 2.0, VGA, HDMI, microphone in, Headphone out, RJ-45
* Wireless 802.11 b/g/n
* BASE-T Ethernet
* Bluetooth
* Norton Internet Security 2012
* 90W AC Power Adapter
* Dimensions : 37.4 x 24.5 x 3.63 cm
* Weight: 2.3 Kg
* Warranty: 1 year

I would recommend to buy this laptop as the Market Price is around Rs.40000/- which i guess is the best price for such high configured laptop.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sony launches new PS Vita console

Sony has ended one of its worst-ever years on a high note, with the launch of its cutting-edge handheld console, the PlayStation Vita, in Japan. Several Tokyo shops opened at 7am on Saturday to mark the PS Vita's debut, although attention was focused on the Tsutaya store in the trendy shopping district of Shibuya, where the machine's first official customer was presented with his purchase by the world's most high-powered shop assistants, Kaz Hirai and Andrew House – the former is executive deputy president of Sony and chairman of Sony Computer Entertainment, its video games wing, while House is president and CEO of SCE. The PS Vita was certainly well received in Tokyo: Kensho Monden, one of the first people to buy it, said: "I think its screen, in particular, is very good. I've bought Ridge Racer, and I bought the 3G version [the base model is Wi-Fi enabled only, but in Japan, Wi-Fi hot-spots are surprisingly thin on the ground] so I can play it across the network with my friends." Hundreds of customers braved freezing temperatures to queue outside Tsutaya for the launch, in a noticeably more orderly manner than is typical for similar launches in the UK, where much fewer shops are involved and the formalities take place when midnight signals the arrival of the designated day. Many commentators have singled the PS Vita out as a barometer of the state of the games industry, arguing that the rise of mobile phone gaming is eating into its traditional base and suggesting that Sony's replacement for the PSP could struggle as a result. House contended that: "PS Vita is designed to deliver the ultimate portable entertainment experience. It offers a new group of gaming experiences that were never possible before, through a unique combination of interfaces and features, and brings a wider variety of genres to portable gaming." It nods heavily towards mobile phones by including native support for social networking staples such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype and Foursquare, and House singled out an initiative called PlayStation Suite, which will essentially allow developers to deliver more casual games across Android mobile phones and the PS Vita.
He said: "We'll be happy to welcome in a new audience and migrate them to a deeper experience." And there are plenty of keen portable gamers out there – the PSP, in seven years on sale, has sold a cumulative 73m units, according to House. The PS Vita avoids one trap into which Nintendo's initially unsuccessful 3DS fell: it was supported by a healthy portfolio of 24 games – "The largest number of launch titles in PlayStation history," according to House. Which is an impressive achievement, given that Sony's manufacturing was hit in 2011 by the Fukushima earthquake and subsequent tsunami, the flooding in Thailand and even the outbreak of looting in London, which saw its giant Sony DADC warehouse in Enfield burned to the ground. UK consumers will have to wait until 22 February to buy the PS Vita, which will cost from £229.99. And even if the mobile phone market does eat into its popularity, Sony took the precaution of buying out Ericsson earlier this year, so that it now wholly owns the Sony Ericsson mobile phone concern. But with an impressive 5in OLED touch-screen – the largest ever seen on a portable gaming console – and a wealth of features including motion-sensing and a rear touch-pad plus, crucially, dual analogue joysticks to give hardcore gamers the control they crave, the PS Vita has more than enough ammunition to take on the mobile phones and tablets.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Aakash tablet goes on sale for Rs 2500 online

DataWind, the Canadian company that is manufacturing Aakash, has started the online booking and pre booking of the much anticipated low cost Android tablet. Online booking is for students' version of the tablet and pre booking is for UbiSlate 7, the upgraded version of Aakash.

Students' version of Aakash will be available for Rs 2,500 and will be delivered in seven days. The commercial version, UbiSlate 7 is priced at Rs 2,999. The payment mode for both the tablets is cash on delivery.

The commercial version of Aakash tablet will be powered by Android 2.3 and will have a resistive touchscreen, Cortex A8-700 MHz processor and graphics accelerator HD video processor, 256 MB of RAM and 2 GB of internal memory.

Other specifications are a one standard USB port, 3.5 mm audio jack, a 7 inch display with 800 x 480 pixel resolution, resistive touchscreen, GPRS and WiFi support.

"The improved version of Aakash tablet will be available in retail outlets by January end," a spokesperson of DataWind told The Mobile Indian.

The tablet was to be made available in retail stores by the end of November. "The delay in the availability of the tablet has been due to upgradation in the tablet and some unforeseen delay in manufacturing," the spokesperson said.

To book and prebook student and commercial versions respectively of Aakash tablet, users have to visit DataWind's website and fill up the required form. In case of booking they will get a booking ID and a message which will state, "You will shortly receive an email confirmation from our support team with further details."

In case of pre booking users will get a confirmation message which will state, "The commercial version of the Akash UbiSlate 7 would be launched in early weeks of December. After the commercial launch we would get in touch with you to deliver your device as soon possible."

As a matter of fact, the confirmation message a reader will see is factually incorrect as The mobile Indian had reported earlier the Aakash tablet will be available only by January end.

Datawind has however not cleared how it is going to establish the identity of students who will book the cheapest version of Aakash tablet. When The Mobile Indian contacted spokesperson of Datwind he said, "Anyone can book the student version of Aakash tablet."

This defeats the purpose of providing students an affordable tablet as now anyone can place an order to get the tablet. Interestingly, now it has been revealed that the government has procured only 10,000 Aakash tablets for distribution in schools and colleges of the initial 1 lakh proposed.

It looks like the company was in a hurry to start the online booking process and has not done not proper homework before staring it.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Stanford Engineering Everywhere (FREE EDUCATION)

Welcome to Stanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE)

For the first time in its history, Stanford is offering some of its most popular engineering classes free of charge to students and educators around the world. Stanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE) expands the Stanford experience to students and educators online. A computer and an Internet connection are all you need. View lecture videos, access reading lists and other course handouts, take quizzes and tests, and communicate with other SEE students, all at your convenience.
SEE programming includes one of Stanford’s most popular sequences: the three-course Introduction to Computer Science taken by the majority of Stanford’s undergraduates and seven more advanced courses in artificial intelligence and electrical engineering.

Stanford Engineering Everywhere offers:
Anytime and anywhere access to complete lecture videos via streaming or downloaded media.
Full course materials including syllabi, handouts, homework, and exams.
Online social networking with fellow SEE students.
Support for PCs, Macs and mobile computing devices.
Stanford encourages fellow educators to use Stanford Engineering course materials in their own classrooms. A Creative Commons license allows for free and open use, reuse, adaptation and redistribution of Stanford Engineering Everywhere material.

click here to get started

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Android Market Hits 10 Billion Downloads

Google has announced that the Android Market has hit a new milestone, there have now been over 10 billion downloads from the Android Market, and according to Google, the total downloads are growing at a rate of 1 billion downloads a month.

This would mean that in 2012, Google is on target to double its 10 billion downloads to 20 billion by October of next year, and to celebrate this new milestone Google will be offering a new set of apps each day for just 10 cents each.

One billion is a pretty big number by any measurement. However, when it’s describing the speed at which something is growing, it’s simply amazing. This past weekend, thanks to Android users around the world, Android Market exceeded 10 billion app downloads—with a growth rate of one billion app downloads per month. We can’t wait to see where this accelerating growth takes us in 2012.

The 10 cents app celebration will last for the next 10 days, and some of the apps available include Asphalt 6 HD, Minecraft, Fieldrunners HD and many more, you can find out full details over at the Google Mobile Blog.

BlackBerry Milan Smartphone With BlackBerry 10 Leaked

It looks like we have a photo of another leaked BlackBerry 10 smartphone, this one is called the BlackBerry Milan, and as you can see from the photo it features a slide out QWERTY keyboard.

It is also rumored to feature a touchscreen display with a higher pixel density than that of the Apple iPhone’s Retina display, and it will of course come with the latest version of RIM’s mobile OS, BlackBerry 10.

Unfortunately we don’t have any more specifications as yet, as soon as we get some more information on the BlackBerry Milan, including specifications and pricing we will let you guys know.

Source CrackBerry

Grand Theft Auto III Coming To iOS and Android December 15th

Rockstar Games has announced that Grand Theft Auto III: 10 Year Anniversary Edition is headed to mobile devices, which will include the Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch 4G, as well as Android smartphones and tablets.

It looks like the game will be headed to the following Android smartphones, HTC Rezound, LG Optimus 2x, Motorola Atrix 4G, Motorola Droid X2, Motorola Photon 4G, Samsung Galaxy R, T-Mobile G2x v, plus a range of Android tablets which include the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9, Asus Transformer and more.

Grand Theft Auto III: 10 Year Anniversary Edition will go on sale for iOS and Android devices on the 15th of December for $4.99, you can find out more information over at RockStar Games.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Green Car Design

Finally, the green car design is out. This green car which is powered by pipe dreams and plants, only this Photosynthesis car would use “Solar panels” and somehow to move about in town.

There is, unsurprisingly, no word on how designers Michal Vlcek and Klavir will leverage the power of plants to run the electric engine housed inside. But just see that “nano plastic” exterior – no undercoating necessary!

World is going to be Green….And that’s a great thing!

India’s Android Tablet Aakash – Review

The much awaited India’s ultra low cost Aakash tablet is finally launched. In association with Ministry of Infornmation & Technology (India), Datawind launches Ubislate 7 in India as Aakash. Aakash Tablet is set to bridge the big India DIGITAL DIVIDE. Its main objective is to provide students of India, especially in its countryside, a cheap alternative to PC. Through Aakash tablet, students in India would have access to good quality study content like video lectures, e-books etc.

Aakash tablet offers a web delivery platform that enables quality and interactive knowledge over the internet. The tablet is a computing device that is low in cost but rich in features. The tablet is also integrated with social networking applications like facebook, twitter and with email.

Here we look at its features:

Screen: 7-inches; 800-by-400 pixels; Resistive touchscreen
Operating system: Android 2.2, Froyo
Processor: 366 MHz Connexant; HD Video co-processor (both with graphics accelerators)
Memory: 256MB RAM (internal); 2GB Flash (external)
Storage: 2GB card included, expandable up to 32GB
Ports: Two USB 2.0; 3.5mm audio out jack; 3.5mm audio in jack (No built-in speakers)
Connectivity: GPRS; Wi-Fi 802.11 a,b,g
Power: Up to 180 minutes on battery; AC adapter, 200-240 volt
Weight: 350 grams

If analyze it deep, there are some negative points of it as well. The tablet screen, which is pressure sensitive, responds rather slowly to gestures. It’s certainly not as dazzling as the high-end tablets but that can be expected by its price. Browsing Internet and running the apps, one could easily notice that the response time is also quite slow. Scrolling, for instance, is a swipe-and-wait affair. A goofy plastic cover protects the screen, slowing down the touch response considerably.

Overall impression that this tablet gives us that it is built for performance. Many of those likely to use or own the the Aakash Tablet will never have used a desktop computer, and it’s possible that they never will.

LG DX2500 glasses-free 3D monitor

LG Electronics has just added another feather to its cap with a glasses-free 3D monitor – and not only that, their latest effort will also not go to waste, considering how it is also the first in the market that will be on the receiving end of the TÃœV Rheinland certification for a glasses-free 3D monitor.

The 25″ DX2500 will see the incorporation of glasses-free parallax barrier 3D and head-tracking technologies, and Si-hwan Park, Vice President of the Monitor Division at LG’s Home Entertainment Company, says, “LG is taking glasses-free 3D monitors mainstream with the DX2500. With the DX2500, we are making the LG brand synonymous with glasses-free 3D monitors. In 2012, we’ll continue to expand our range of glasses-free 3D monitors featuring different designs and advanced functions.”

Of course, not having to wear any 3D glasses would also mean that you as a viewer, will need to make some provisions on your part. In order to enjoy optimal viewing of 3D images, you will still need to stay within a certain angle and distance, but the traditional restrictions have been relaxed thanks to the inclusion of the parallax barrier 3D and head-tracking technologies that see action with the LG DX2500. This results in you enjoying a greater freedom of movement, allowing you to have a more comfortable user experience.

The use of position tracking in the DX2500 will function in the way where a camera that is embedded in the monitor, where it is capable of detecting changes in the user’s eye as well as head position in real-time. Using this information collected, the monitor will then do a little bit of soul searching on its side, where it will calculate the angle and position of the viewer as well as adjust the image to display the optimal 3D effect. Once that is done, it will proceed with its advanced 2D to 3D conversion function, letting DX2500 owners view unlimited 3D content including movies, photos and games with but a single mouse click.

No word on pricing, but the LG DX 2500 will be available in South Korea now, although the rest of the world will have to wait until early next year.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Facebook Adds Timeline To Profile Pages

Mark Zuckerberg has given Facebook a makeover with Timeline. This new feature makes it easier to see events, pics and posts from your past by year and month by placing a timeline on the right of your profile.

Timeline Views allow you to filter the content by photos, locations (courtesy of Bing maps integration), add apps, “likes” and much more.

I like the addition of Timeline as it makes Facebook a more interesting social network by letting the world know about your life story. But remember that stalkers, girlfriends, bosses, will have an easier time finding out about you too… so keep the embarrassing pics away!

World’s First Supercomputer Tablet – Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

Asus is set to launch the Eee Pad Transformer Prime which stands head and shoulders above other tablets with its quad core processor. Apple’s Power Mac G4 with its dual processors has been billed a super computer, just imagine the computing prowess of Asus Transformer Prime.

Transformer Prime is the first to use NVIDIA’s new quad-core Tegra 3 (Kal-El processor). Besides being a supercomputer tablet, it is more attractive than the original Asus Eee Pad Transformer. The latter was a popular Android tablet, but didn’t score with boxy look.

Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime’ has a larger screen (10.1 vs 9.7) than iPad 2 but it is much thinner and lighter due to its aluminum exterior. The screen, Super IPS+ display (at 1280×800) under Gorilla Glass has a 178-degree viewing-angle and brighter color, an improvement over the original Transformer and Eee Pad Slider.

There is also a keyboard dock (sold separately) which is made of aluminum casing with metallic swirl pattern to match the Prime. I appreciate the keyboard dock because touch-screen typing is frustrating when you have serious typing to do.

Another impressive feature is the battery life – 12 hours of usage, supposedly best for tablets, thanks to Tegra 3′s advanced power management. If attached to the keyboard dock, you get a whopping 18 hours. helps with this. The 1.2 megapixel front camera and an 8 megapixel back camera with a F2.4 aperture, are equally impressive. It can also record 1080p video.

Transformer Prime could hit stores in December. Stay tuned for updates.

Android Market Now Installs Apps On Officially Unsupported Devices

Google has this week rolled out a new update for its Android Market place, which has added support for additional unofficially supported devices. The new devices to now be included within the Android Market for applications to be installed on them include : HP TouchPad, Barnes & Noble NOOK Tablet, and Amazon Kindle Fire.

So if you have loaded Android on to any devices that didn’t originally ship with Android, you can now enjoy a simple install process directly from the Android Market.

But be aware the Android Market will also recognise some apps you might have installed from non-Android Market sources, and will try to update them but will fail.

Friday, July 22, 2011

First Look at the Official New Xbox 360

I'm looking at a set of prototype boxes that'll cradle the new Xbox 360 modeled after R2-D2, which is the most customized Xbox ever created. At the very top is an onyx box. Grey lines start to emerge, cradling a gold Xbox controller: It's Darth Vader grasping the C-3PO controller. It's badass. But it breaks the rules. Vader "can't hold a modern piece of anything, because he's not in our world," explains senior industrial designer Rich Hanks. Lucasfilm has other ideas, like putting sand in the box with the console and controller, so it's just like you're pulling them out of the capsule when they land on Tatooine. (Don't worry, there won't be any sand in the package you'll be buying.)

Well, what about a Darth Vader Xbox? "Doing something like a Darth Vader didn't make sense," explains Xbox's principal industrial designer, Carl Ledbetter. Nor did something like an AT-AT walker. "It would look cool, but it wouldn't make sense for the game." The goal was to create something from the Star Wars universe that was… universal. C3PO and R2-D2 were so much the obvious choice—to both Microsoft and and Lucasfilm—that basically none of the other dozen concepts made it out of the first meeting in January.

Fingerprints. It's the first thing I think when a pick up the C-3PO controller, a bleached out, ultra-shiny gold that seems ripped straight out of the late 1970s (or C-3PO's body). I smear the oil from the end of my thumb across it. Yep. Fingerprints. But it doesn't matter. It's utterly striking in its shininess. None of the other cast-off shells to my right—a sunny rainbow of dead prototypes, ranging from pale gold to spray-on tan bronze—even come close. "It was the right tradeoff to make," Rich says. A brushed metal finish didn't feel like 3PO. This is C-3PO. The silver D-pad—one of the transformers—is a reference to his silver leg. The wires painted on below, to match his stomach, were insanely difficult to match, requiring layers and layers of paint.

One of the castoffs, a matte sunflower yellow, was plan B. "There's metal in the paint, so we weren't 100 percent confident it was going to pass the radio testing for the controllers," explains Rich. (Every component had to be re-tested and re-certified, just as if Microsoft was building a brand new Xbox 360 from the ground up, even though the guts inside are the exact same as the current Xbox 360 console.)

A sad, green 3PO figure is splayed out nearby, one of the dozens and dozens of toys the team looked at to figure out the right color. Because his canonical color changes throughout the series, starting as pale yellow in the original film, slowly getting oranger as the episodes progress. The team went with the former, entirely for sunny nostalgia. (The photo on the final packaging? It's the first re-shoot of that photo in around 25 years, so it's headed straight to the Lucas archives.)

The face of the R2 Xbox is kind of strange at first. Maybe unnerving, if you look too hard. It's R2-D2. But it's an Xbox. There's R2's eye. And there's the Xbox power button. There's his arm, next to the disc tray that reads "Xbox 360." When you open the tray, R2 talks—and there's an easter egg tucked inside. Inscribed on the tray is a tiny message reading, "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope." It's the first time Microsoft's printed anything there. Because every fanboy needs a hint of delusion of grandeur when they pop in games. (The other easter egg? Industrial Automaton is printed on the backside, near all the ports.)

It's the paints that are tricky. Microsoft spent a month working with the factory in China to figure out how to layer the metallic inks in order to create shadows and the sense of the depth. When you turn the R2-D2 Xbox from side to side, the sheen of metallic inks shifts, so there's an almost three-dimensional look to the faux vents that run up and down the side. And the top chrome is bead-blasted, to approximate the spun aluminium of the real R2's dome.

The Kinect, a special edition white model that vaguely calls to mind a Stormtrooper, is the only completely unadorned component. There was a Star Wars logo on it, originally. Lucas decided to pull it. (In fact, "Star Wars" appears just once on the entire set.) So now the white Kinect is kind of like a ghost, watching, maybe hunting for the droids in your possession—which'll happen this fall (think like November), also packed with Kinect: Star Wars and a beefier 320GB hard drive for $450.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Evo 2 Android Gaming Console Soon Arriving

If you have enjoyed playing Android games on your on your smartphone then you might be interested in the new Evo 2 Android gaming console that is set to arrive this Autumn and has been created by the Envizions Computer Entertainment Corporation.

The EVO 2 will be the first Android gaming console two offer users a real time gaming playlist and social friend connections. Under the hood the new Android console is powered by a Samsung 1.2 GHZ processor, supported by DDR2-512MB of memory, and runs a modified version of the Android 2.2 operating system.

Envizions plans to add motion 3D sensor capabilities toward the end of fourth quarter in 2011 and developers can start testing the software via website download in two weeks.

The new EVO 2 console will retail for around $249 and include an EVO TV remote, EVO game controller and HDMI cable, an will ship equipped with game cloud storage and Envizions new Qquip SMS blogging reward service.

New 3D Map Of Our Local Universe Took 10 Years To Build

Astronomers have created the most complete 3D map of our local universe to date, which took 10 years to create, by scanning the complete night sky in near-infrared light and using data from the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) Redshift Survey (2MRS).

The detailed map of our Universe map shows all the visible structures out to about 380 million light-years, which includes about 45,000 of our neighboring galaxies, as the diameter of the Milky Way is around 100,000 light-years across.

Two ground based telescopes were used for the project, the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory on Mt. Hopkins, Ariz., and the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile.

To see the full 3D Map of our Universe jump over to the website and click on the link 2 paragraphs down. Enjoy!

ASUS Matrix GTX 580 And Mars II 3GB Graphics Cards Unveiled

This week Asus have unveiled their latest graphics card in the form of the ASUS Matrix GTX 580 and MARS II. The Matrix GTX 580 GPU comes in two differnet versions, a Standard and Platinum which are both equipped with 1.5GB of RAM and equipped with a couple of impressive cooling fans, ready to add a little extra noise to your system. Its also equipped with a 19-phase power designed for overclocking, and a a Safe Mode button enabling ‘worry-free overclocking’

One thing to also be aware of is the new ASUS Matrix GTX 580 takes up three PCI-e slot not your regular two as with other power packed graphics cards

Asus has also unveiled their monster 3Gb Mars II card today but unfortunately left the photos behind so we don’t have any to show you at the moment. No information on prices or worldwide availability has been released as yet by Asus but as soon as it becomes available we will keep you updated.

Kingmax Unveils World’s First 64GB microSD

This week Kingmax has unveiled the worlds largest capacity 64GB class 6 microSD card which has been approved by various safety and environmental standards including CE, FCC, and RoHS.

The new cards will now add even more storage to your mobile device and cameras, but don’t forget before you part with your hard earned cash that your camera or mobile will be compatible with 64GB microSD cards.

The Kingmax 64GB microSD card if equipped with built in Error Correction Code (ECC) which acts through the controller to auto detect and reconstruct lost data during data transmissions to ensure reliable data transfer.

No information has been released as yet on prices or worldwide shipping, but as soon as any information becomes available we will keep you updated.

x86 Android Runtime To Bring Android Apps To Windows

A company called BlueStacks has apparently managed to do what Canonical tried and failed to do a while back: bring Android to the PC. Android apps have of course been able to run on Windows through emulation for a while now. What they haven’t been able to do is run on Windows natively, a problem which BlueStacks and their software have now remedied.

The company has raised $7.6 million in funding to try and make their software into a profit-generating venture, but there’s no telling if easier debugging of Android apps, which seems like the primary application for the technology at the moment is able to generate the sort of revenue needed to sustain a viable business model. There are of course other potential uses for Android on PC and this could even foreseeably lead to Chrome’s premature demise or assimilation should Google take notice of the tech, but at this stage it’s too early even to speculate.

Source Ars Technica

Xperia Play, Droid X2, More Coming To Verizon

Four big hitters are making their way to Verizon’s line-up today at once, with the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play, Motorola Droid X2, LG Revolution and the Windows 7-toting HTC Trophy. Well, make that three heavy hitters and a good sport. Verizon’s arsenal increase sees it covered on the gaming angle with the PlayStation branded Xperia Play and furhter bolsters the company’s 4G LTE offerings with the Revolution.

The Droid X2 goes for sheer power on a budget though, with a dual core processor, qHD screen and Tegra 2 for $200. Movie buffs are well provided for as well with the Revolution, specifically by the pre-installed Netflix and expansive 4.3 inch screen. Unfortunately it also packs a premium, as it’s $50 more expensive than the beefier Droid X2. All in all, Verizon customers are downright spoiled for choice at the moment.

Source Verizon

Thursday, February 17, 2011

BSNL free gprs trick. Unlimited downloads and surfing.

Hi, here is a trick for free unlimited gprs for BSNL..To activate it, just follow these steps: have to create two connections with any name like BSNL1 and BSNL2 with the following settings.

Access Point Name- "celloneportal"
Proxy Service Address- " "
Proxy Port- "8080"
Security- "NORMAL"
No need to edit the other fields.

(If this settings is not working, you have to use the working settings in your region.)

Now activate any of the two settings you created and try to access bsnl's home page using your phone's default browser. You will be able to access it.
Now open another browser(eg: Opera) with the second settings keeping the default browser open. Now you will get "access denied" message.
Keep both browsers working in background and open connection manager. In connection manager just disconnect the first connection.
Now open the default browser from background. Now you can access all sites for free..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blogger has made blogging on the go even more easier with the release of an Android app for Blogger (Blogspot) users. On the 2nd of this month, the Blogger team announced the launch of the Blogger Android App on Blogger Buzz. You can download the android app for free from the Android Market.

Here is a screenshot of the blogger android app

The following features are available on the android app:
Multiple accounts and blogs
Write and save/publish
Photos from camera and gallery
Sharing to Blogger from gallery or browser
Share location
View saved/published posts
If you are an android user and have used this app, then we would love to know your opinion about the Blogger android app.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Airtel 3G plans Postpaid & Prepaid

Airtel ; India’s one of the most popular GSM operator is now 3G in 3 cities Bangalore , Chennai & Coimbatore. While they do have spectrum for 3G in 13 circles as followed Delhi, Mumbai, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh (West), Rajasthan, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, North East, Jammu & Kashmir.

So we can assume that sooner or later they will have 3G services in all these circles.

Checkout their current 3G plans in Bangalore.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Here is a funny google trick
for you all

1. Go to
2. Type “Google Sphere” and then click “I’m feeling lucky” on Google, the entire page will start rotating.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What To Do If Someone Else is Using Your Facebook Account?

What if someone else sneaks into your Facebook account? Well, this could be a quite serious situation. In this article we will cover some simple steps you should follow in such situation. But before that let’s see how to find out if someone else is using your Facebook Account.
Login to your Facebook account.
Click Account >> Account Settings >> Security.
Watch carefully and compare the devices, browsers, locations, and timings of your previous logins , if they mismatch then someone else has sneaked into your account.

If such a situation arrives then here are some immediate-basic steps you should take:
Change the password of your account.
Go to Account >> Account Settings >> Security.
Click on “end activity”, in case you see other suspicious active accounts.
Check “Send me an email” and “Send me a text message”, and click “Save”.

Now you will get an email and SMS alert every single time anyone login to your Facebook account.

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