Saturday, December 24, 2011

First Modern Warfare 3 DLC due January 24

The first slice of downloadable content for Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be released in January, but initially only for Xbox 360 gamers subscribing to Call Of Duty Elite.

'The way we're doing downloadable content this year is unlike we've never done before,' claims Infinity Ward's Rob Bowling.
'Not only in how you can get it - in content drops or choose for the collection - but also the type of content you're getting. We're doing more than just maps. We're going to do Spec Ops missions and a variety of things that players have never seen before.'
That's the great thing about having three developers that are contributing to the season of content. You have Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer and Raven all pitching in. The full season of content for Modern Warfare 3 kicks off for Elite subscribers on January 24 on Xbox Live.'
Speaking to website CVG, Activision refused to confirm exactly when the content would be available to other players. ‘We'll have more details about the entire 2012 MW3 Content Season in early January’, was their response – which doesn’t suggest to us that it’ll be turning up in a hurry.
Infinity Ward has said all along that the downloadable content for Modern Warfare 3 wouldn't just be map packs, although the only rumours about new content so far have been for a traditional set of five new maps.
Although Bowling has already confirmed new Special Ops levels whether there'd ever be new single-player content is unclear.
What is clear is that if you want the content straight away on January 24 you'll not only have to have the Xbox 360 version of the game, but you'll also have to be a subscriber to Call Of Duty Elite.
Elite members will be getting first dibs on all the downloadable content, while it seems as if PlayStation 3 and PC gamers may again have to wait the traditional four extra weeks, after the content is released on Xbox 360, to get their hands on it.

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